Sunday, February 28, 2016

What the hell is going on in this country?

On Tuesday, 12 states are having presidential primary election and Donald Trump is expecting to win most of the states, if not all. What the hell is going on in this country?

Quick history lesson: "Hitler was elected by Germans in the election of 1933"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Survey polls are unscientific: let's get over it

Donald Trump was leading in all the survey polls and had double digit gap with Marco Rubio. Just as an example: Quinnipiac survey poll shows Trump 31% and Rubio 17%. Ted Cruz was running behind Trump.

And now see the result of the first state's (Iowa) Republican nomination election: Donald Trump got 24% and Marco Rubio got 23%. Who won the primary? Ted Cruz.

But these pollsters won't stop their nonsense and unscientific opinion polls. Still we will continue seeing this survey pollsters carry on their business.

I had a post on the unscientific nature of survey polls and now I see that my doubt wasn't baseless