Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Great Truths of Life

1. Respect everyone with whom you work, live, and meet unexpectedly. Everyone deserves a minimum level of respect as a fellow human, even though you may feel otherwise due to their action.

2. Don't exaggerate the events of suffering that you're going through right now. Eventually, you will laugh at it at a later time on how you cried on spilled milk.

3. Keep in mind: what you are enjoying today and feel most excited with, will give you a sense of sorrow when you'll look back down the line of your life. The opposite is true as well.

4. Help others without setting any expectations in return for your generosity. Life is not a business where you will calculate your every step by looking into, for instance, Return on Investment (ROI). You are guaranteed to get the return, eventually, in a multiplied number but from some other unrelated and unexpected sources.

5. Use time scale to reflect upon an event of life. What seems mountainous (too big to handle) on a shorter timescale could be proven as a tiny bump on the road of your journey.

6. Never stop dreaming about your future. Everything else depends on some other factors, in one way or another, that you can not control on your own.

7. Try hard until you exhaust all of your options; and remember, life is too short to run out of options.

8. Set incremental goals for your life and give your best effort towards reaching them - one at a time. You won't have grievances later on for not giving your best shot at it.

9. Admit this: success and failure are not in your hand and certainly are not in a direct proportion to your efforts. There are infinite number of factors in this world that will define the success or failure of the effort you put forth, but be sure that your effort will take you there where not enough people have reached

10. Don't settle on the latest final discoveries on any aspect of life; there would be another final discovery very soon which would shake the older one, at least, if not nullifying that

This is a rephrased post of the original post in August 2014

Monday, November 6, 2017

Scientists should learn from the lesson of the History

Absolute power brings absolute corruptness and shameless hypocrisy. It then becomes an absolute necessity to bring back the balance in power to counter that corruptness. Muslims and Arab had seen this during and after the golden age of Arab civilization, Europe had seen the autocracy in the pre-renaissance time and now the climate scientists are seeing the revolt against their supposedly true facts. Like Newton's fist law of motion, there probably is a "law of emotion" (trying to be funny 😜) that always kicks in when the human are pushed to the corner and touches the wall and then they revolt. World is warming up, that's undeniably true; the pollution is at its dangerous level, no sane person can deny that. But don't claim that we, the human, alone are causing  the globe to warming up and we alone can cool it down. Let's be modest on our ability to change the course of the universe. Instead, let's put our primary focus on reducing the pollution which is causing a great harm in every human lives. Let's also do everything humanely possible to reduce the negative impacts of all the scientific inventions: combustion engine, fossil fuel, plastic, harmful waves, etc. The world will be so much better if we honestly pursue that.