Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Syrian civil war- a tragedy continues to unfold

When the uprising started in Syria along with the Arab Spring, I had supported that. But soon that uprising turned into a sectarian fight between Shi’a and Sunni and Free Syrian Army was formed. There were full support, both morally and materially, by the USA government for the FSA. In the masjeed and other places the support for the rebel’s were pouring. Though I had supported the oppositions against the Asad regime but I increasingly felt discomfort as the protest turned violent and specially the Shi’a-Sunni division was at its forefront. Bashar Al-Asad is a blood thirsty brutal dictator, there is no doubt about it. He has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians indiscriminately, that is all in record. Now there’s no turn away from the rebel to fight against the Asad regime, as it is a full fledged civil war. I was always thinking- couldn’t the Syrian keep their uprising for democracy non-violent? Couldn’t they not turn their legitimate struggle into sectarian civil war? I am not very knowledgeable about Syrian society however I think that non-violent movement could’ve been a better option for them and for any country struggling for democratic rights. Civil rights struggles gain more legitimacy when done in a non-violent way.

The latest spin in the Syrian war: Turkey is invading deep into Syria to fight Kurds. Turkey may have legitimate reason to fight Kurds but this is no way should be labeled as Turkey is doing it for Muslims or Syrians. This is entirely done for the stability of the state of Turkey. I respect Turkey’s concern about its stability but what Turkey is doing in Syria is illegitimate and dangerous. We should all be mindful that in this invasion by Turkey whoever are dying, they are all Muslims: they may be Sunni, Shi’a or Kurds.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Florida school shootings in February 2018

Once again the mass murder hits the American school. This time it is 17 young lives are taken away by an evil. There are cellphone videos of kids at the school fearing their death while the shooting was going on. You can’t hold your tear watching that let alone the other horrific pictures.

A graphic representation of the heat map is published on the NewYork Times showing just the school shooting for the last several months in chronology. This is not just a number. This shows the failure of the American people who became numb in their partisan politics and allowing the politicians to get away with not doing anything to prevent it.

Amazed by the power of Quantum computing and Neurons-morphic computing

This weekend I thought to watch some new technology videos. Would like to share the outcome of that.

- Intel has released 49 Qubit processor and IBM has 50 Qubit computing infrastructure. The impact of commercial quantum computing is huge. It would not just bring super power to the computing  but it would disrupt all the current known paradigm of computing. The world is changing so rapidly that it’s getting very hard to even keep up with the changes, let alone mastering them.

- Neoromorphic computing is another fascinating world where the chips would create new connection and network inside the processor, just like the way our brain neurons create the connection to form a learning network. Just to feel wildly creative I had put a micro blog in September 2017, dreaming about if it would be possible to create real neural network, not the current Artificial Intelligence Neural Network, and someone has already built that. It seems that at this time of human civilization no dream is big enough or wild enough.

Syria conflict in retrospective and Turkey

When the uprising started in Syria along with the Arab Spring, I had supported that. But soon that uprising turned into a sectarian fight between Shi’a and Sunni and Free Syrian Army was formed. There were full support, both morally and materially, by the USA government for the FSA. In the masjeed and other places the support for the rebel’s were pouring. Though I had supported the oppositions against the Asad regime but I increasingly felt discomfort as the protest turned violent and specially the Shi’a-Sunni division was at its forefront. Bashar Al-Asad is a blood thirsty brutal dictator, there is no doubt about it. He has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians indiscriminately, that is all in record. Now there’s no turn away from the rebel to fight against the Asad regime, as it is a full fledged civil war. I was always thinking- couldn’t the Syrian keep their uprising for democracy non-violent? Couldn’t they not turn their legitimate struggle into sectarian civil war? I am not very knowledgeable about Syrian society however I think that non-violent movement could’ve been a better option for them and for any country struggling for democratic rights. Civil rights struggles gain more legitimacy when done in a non-violent way.

The latest spin in the Syrian war: Turkey is invading deep into Syria to fight Kurds. Turkey may have legitimate reason to fight Kurds but this is no way should be labeled as Turkey is doing it for Muslims or Syrians. This is entirely done for the stability of the state of Turkey. I respect Turkey’s concern about its stability but what Turkey is doing in Syria is illegitimate and dangerous. We should all be mindful that in this invasion by Turkey whoever are dying, they are all Muslims: they may be Sunni, Shi’a or Kurds.