Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Organizing emails

Now a days, we need email address virtually for everything. Bank account, doctor's office, university, work, social platforms, you name it! Most of the cases, we are to use email address as user name as well. We, the IT professionals, suggest end users to maintain different passwords for different sites. This would protect your, for instance, bank account when your favorite shopping store is hacked. So why not take the security to one more notch up by even using different email address for different types of sites. I would go for unique emails for each site if that was easy to manage but unfortunately you would be lost to maintain tens of email address. So until there's a easy solution to maintain unique email address for each site, let's use a scheme to use segment specific emails and offcourse different password for them as well. This would have another benefit i.e. to separate the email communication based on the usage domain. Here's a guideline:

For personal emails: <your name>.personal@gmail.com (gmail.com is a placeholder for your favorite choice of email provider)

For professional emails: <your name>.work@gmail.com

For education purpose: <your name>.edu@gmail.com

For all unnecessary commercial usage: <your name>.com@gmail.com

For health related emails: <your name>.med@gmail.com

For organizational emails: <your name>.org@gmail.com

The list goes on as per your need....

You may now be thinking that it would be crazy to check all the emails everyday but there's a simpler solution. Forward all these emails to another common hub email e.g. <your name>.email@gmail.com. And you can just check that hub email and go to that specific email address when needed to reply from specific email address.

This would probably serve the purpose for some of our needs but there's a clear gap the way we use email now a days which need an innovative solution.

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