Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Book Summary: The Myths of Innovation

Berkun, Scott (2010). The Myths of Innovation. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media. ISBN: 978-1-449-38962-8

Contrary to the popular belief of epiphany and of lone inventor working in isolation, the major innovations are the outcome of a chronological progression made by combining or mixing prior inventions by a series of inventors.Though the history of inventions tells us that there are only winner or losers in the journey of innovation but the reality is that there is a range of contributors to a particular innovative product or service. There are no definite method or a systematic process to manage innovation, but an effective manager who is not traditionally trained, can foster innovation by understanding the challenges that the inventors face. Though there are no shortage of good ideas surrounding us that can be turned into good inventions, but the bitter reality is that most people are not comfortable with new ideas because of the innate nature of human psychology that resist changes. The abundance of good ideas will continue to flow as long as we do not shut the door of new ideas and accept the notion that the best innovative product or service may not come from the very first idea.

Most successful innovation is the product of systematic process executed by talented and genius people. The source of innovations are a finite set of situations: Unexpected occurrences, Incongruities, Process Needs, Industry and Market Changes, Demographic changes, Changes in Perception, and New Knowledge, that triggers the talented people to search for innovative ideas in an entrepreneurial endeavor. The success or failures can’t be predicted for sure, but it can be said that the best innovation comes from the people who meticulously follow their passion in a disciplined methodical way. 

Discovering the right problem is more important than the solution itself and the successful adoption of the innovation is not necessarily driven only by how novel or great that idea is but how simple it is to explain the innovation for public to grasp. Though every Innovations come with promises of wellness to the masses but, innovations have side effects or unintended consequences that may not be predicted upfront. Executing the innovation needs financial support and it is key to be thoroughly prepared with your pitch to get that support, through: refining the idea and the pitch itself, rehearse the delivery of pitch, hitting the right audience, learning from previous pitch's mistakes, etc. Creativity is crucial for innovation and here are few quick tips to be creative, such as: de-romanticizing the creative legends, acknowledging creativity as combination of other ideas, keeping a journal of ideas, being physically active, giving subconscious a chance, being conscious about the time when one's creativity is turned on, etc. Finally, hold your motivation through tough time but there’s no singular factor or set of factors that keep everyone motivated, nonetheless, some of the generally accepted motivations are: Anger on the wrong things that surround us, accept that all great innovation requires mundane and boring ground works, being proud of one’s own work and prove that to the world, life is short so pursue on the passion now or never, It’s really fun to follow one’s passion, etc

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