Saturday, June 15, 2019

Weakness of human intellect and the evils are prevailing again - target Iran

Once again the humanity is proving that the weakness of human intellect, selfishness and internal evils are not going to go away, EVER. The USA is playing the same trick that it had used to attack so many countries in the past half a century (Cuba, Vietnam and Iraq- to name a few) to attack Iran. The US sent war machines to the Persian Gulf and then coincidentally, the oil tankers are being attacked with mines or whatever. Iran is blamed to attack a Japanese oil tanker last week at the time when Japanese prime minister was having meeting with Iranian leaders in Tehran. We, the human, are so low on intellect that the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE expect that everyone would believe them and allow them to destroy a country and kill millions of people. This is the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) trick that they played to destroy Iraq just a decade ago. This was done for Vietnam - read the Gulf of Tonkin ( They actually don’t care what the world would think. They just want to create a false pretense in front of their citizens who are mostly ignorant and selfish who would support them in their next election or will not revolt against their monarchies. This is the act of war mongers and greedy military establishment who will be benefited from this war and the world will suffer.  This is so sick and tiring.

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