Thursday, December 31, 2020

Be humble, be happy - Happy 2021!

What an irony - the word “2020” is used for a perfect vision of person and the year “2020” has shown us vividly the most imperfect world that we live in. Till this tiny biological foe hit us from nowhere (or from Wuhan), we were so convinced that we are in control of our destiny on Earth. You want to see the proof of that? The proof lies in the “Man made climate change” doctrine and by claiming that our actions alone would turn the temperature of the Earth down to fix the Global Warming. Imagine the devastation of another virus with a little variance of a Coronavirus that spreads more easily and attacks across the age spectrum. If anything we should take away from the year 2020, it should be: learn again to “be humble”.  We should utilize the human ingenuity to pursuit the best of our ability but we shouldn’t get carried away with a false pretension to infallibility. Don’t forget that the human civilization is just one Comet away to get wiped off from the face of the Earth.

Be humble, be happy - Happy 2021!

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