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The world especially the medias in this country were up in arms on China’s zero-Covid-tolerance policy. Chinese people recently protested on that as well. So China has relaxed it’s policy. The immediate result: From 4,000 death during till December and now 60,000 death in just over a month. I am not for strict isolation and I am not for go crazy on freedom- there’s a need of balancing both. Also, I have few questions for long time since Covid started that are not answered by our Scientists community yet.
Scientists need to come up with a good explanation on
- Why Denmark had near 7,000 death when they used “herd” immunity and why other countries like USA, France, UK, Italy, etc. all had minimum of 100,000 death toll following a strict isolation policy?
- Why many poor countries in Africa and Asia had much lower death rate while they had minimal isolation or hundred times worse healthcare system and infrastructure. Nigeria, Somalia, Ghana, etc. had a few thousands death toll. The population of North America is 600 millions with 1.5 millions death toll, and Africa has 1.9 billion with 250 thousands death toll. In an equivalent term: Africa would have lost 5 to 6 million people if Covid had the same impact on Africans. Why it didn’t?
- Why these factors weren’t considered while alarming the world of apocalypse: the factors that were in play here: population age, preexisting conditions (blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.), life style (sleep, stress, social interactions, use of chemicals, etc.), food (processed food, fast food, sugary food, preservatives, etc.), geography, climate and weather pattern, and the list goes on.
- The vaccine induced immunity vs. natural immunity creates two different impacts. The latter one gives longer immunity. That research was published on the NewYork Times few months ago as well. How to effectively use the natural immunity?
- By imposing the extreme isolation and prolonging the Covid high-season (which was certainly needed for certain demographics), did we help Covid virus to eradicate or did it get more opportunities to mutate and survive longer? What does China’s recent death toll tell us?
- Scientists had done great job to invent a vaccine and now they have to do a better job to paint the right picture of the impact to better prepare for the next similar pandemic. They had painted with a brush with “developed countries and certain demographic” factors and mostly ignored all other above mentioned factors.
The ultimate question is are we focusing on perpetual cure or prevention? Our body and environment is full with natural bacteria and viruses- neither we can eradicate all virus from the world nor we dictate them to mutate into a deadly form like Covid or Ebola - one will go and another will come. However, if our lifestyle is more prepared to fight naturally, which this pandemic has taught us that how important it is to live a natural healthy life, then our body could be more prepared naturally and more effective in fighting the next pandemic, InshaAllah.
China’s Covid death toll news: