Monday, January 2, 2023

New year with a new hope - 2023

New year always brings new hope. Even every new day brings a new beginning. Just a day before the new year, world has seen a new hope against injustice. 

A huge leap towards “calling a spade a spade” has been made. Alhamdulillah. This single move may not end the illegal occupation of Palestinian land but it may very much start the process by giving a verdict on Israeli injustice. It may even, if Allah wills, officially label Israeli practices as “apartheid” state. This injustice can’t go on unpunished!

A side note: Ukrainian themselves fighting against Russian occupation have decided to stay neutral in this resolution while Russian voted for it. Zelenskyy calls the international community to support him in his fight against an occupation but when the international community needs him for the exact same cause, he plays neutral.

UN resolution: “Israeli practices and settlement activities affecting the rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories”

Happy New Year 2023!


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