Friday, July 24, 2015

Glaciers in Maine leaves us the story of unseen

We were in Maine in this week for vacationing. We camped at Blackwoods campground for a couple of days and then enjoyed the amazing natural beauty of Maine using the free shuttle service that they provide to reduce the cars on the road and make attractions accessible to all.
When we reached at the Jordan pond, at first, my thought was, why am I here? This is just another pond and surrounding it are the Bubble Mountain and Pemetic mountain. So what's so special about it? We walked down further the shore trail and read a post where it explains how this terrain was formed hundreds of millions of years ago.The glaciers that made the surface smoother, created lakes and brought rocks (these are called: glacier erratic) from miles distance. On one of informative board at the pond explained how the difference of the mineral, pattern and color tell the scientists the story of thousands of years of glacier movement and formation of the terrain. We weren't there at that time. The scientists were't there either. But the marks and traces left behind by the glaciers on the terrains tell us what exactly happened in thousands of years ago. It's like talking in a different language and grammar. 

I have seen some people who defy the existence of a creator and claims that as we can't see or conceptualize a creator, so there's no point of believing in a creator. The problem with that kind of logic is that they are so narrowed in the use of the word of seeing or understanding that they prove themselves as an ignorant in a larger scale. It's like a French is complaining that Shakespeare written in English is a verbose garbage as because that person can't read English. 

Don't blame that you can't see or conceptualize it because of your limited knowledge on languages to read the creation that has been laid out in front of you. If you don't know the language to read it, then learn the language first before proving yourself as ignorant

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