Saturday, August 15, 2015

The 2016 Presidential Election: Republican Presidential Candidacy and Donald Trump

Presidential run for 2016 has started. Both Democrat and Republican parties have their candidates lined up for the party nomination. The Democrat's have 8 candidates and Republican's have 17. Last week was the first Republican candidates' debate on Fox News channel. 

With everyone's surprise, Donald Trump has come out to top as Republican Presidential candidate in almost all the poll results. If you don't know who this Donald Trump is. I would say just one word for him: Psycho. Even though some people may consider him as idiot or dumb for his nonsensical talks but he shouldn't be labeled with those nonlethal adjectives. If you read his bio, you would see that he is a real estate mogul having assets worth of billions of dollars. An idiot or a dumb person can't make billion dollars. He must be an intelligent person. 

Anyway, I am not a big fan of Republican party but when I see Donald Trump at the top of the polls, any respect that I have to Republican party, diminishes sharply. I can not think of any thing but seeing Donald Trump out of this race very soon but already he has surpassed the political life that such kind of a psychopath can have in a civilized political system

Please do not start comparing him to some of our politicians, though you would find similar characters in our political landscape but I don't want to go down that line because now I believe that Bangladesh is in the state of "political coma" where everyone can see everything and hear everything but lost the ability to respond intelligently. Anyway, keep you posted

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