Saturday, March 19, 2022

Russia-Ukraine-NATO-EU conflict

Who are interested about the Russia-Ukraine-NATO-EU conflict, these tidbits are the stimulus for you to ponder and further research. This is one of the most complex world politics being unfolded in front our eyes and threatening the world to a potential World War. Hope this will help you to clarify some of the rhetorics from both sides. 

Russian Empire - Kievan Rus’ was the predecessor of Russian empire. Empress Catherine The Great expanded Russia and ruled much of (current day Ukraine) and established Odessa and other cities. Russian empire was perceived as the inheritor of Byzantine empire and Constantinople

Holy League: 

Russia was key part of that alliance against the Ottoman caliphate.

Vladimir Putin:

openly stands for European Tradition & Values and anti-LGBT.

American/European Neo-Nazis and Alt-Right movement:

these are having fan fare of Putin and Russia as the easternmost guard post to save European and Christian heritage. Even though Putin never showed any support, explicit or implicit, to those neo-Nazi parties but Neo-Nazis are desperately in-search of their hero and landed on Putin.

Vladimir Putin - ex-KGB major who is obsessed with the Lost Glory of Russian Empire and humiliation after the fall of USSR.

Ukraine and  Georgia:

NATO promises membership to these two countries in 2008 and encircle Russia. Russia invaded Georgia soon after and forced the country to give up its aspiration to join NATO.

Baltic nations:

Latvia-Lithuania-Estonia joined NATO and EU in 2004 when Russia was struggling economically and trying to recover.

Ukraine Maiden revolution:

The uprise that toppled the pro-Russian government in 2014 and brought a new government that are anti-Russian and pro-EU. Far-Right and Neo-Nazi organizations were part of this revolution. Azov battalion, a member of that movement,  founded in Mariupol to fight Russian backed separatists in Donbas region. Side note: the devastation of Mariupol by Russian bombing wasn’t coincidental.

Crimea and Donbas (LPR-DPR):

Russia annexed Crimea. Donbas region saw two Russian ethnic republics that declared independence and began the Ukrainian civil war since 2014.

Russia 🇷🇺 invades Ukraine 🇺🇦 2022:

Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, himself a Jew - made alliance with Azov Battalion (incorporated in National Guard), tried to join EU and NATO, angers Russian ethnics and Putin.

Putin, in fear of NATO at its doorstep believing it as an existential threat and also to regain its old glory as Russian Empire, supports pro-Russian and Russian ethnic people in Eastern Ukraine, invades Ukraine. 

EU and the USA trying to expand their influence and stifles Russia within its border, in fear of Russian resurgence as global super power, backs Ukraine to push to a head-on collision path with Russia.

US and European Neo-Nazis supports Putin as their idol who is fighting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine (ref Azov Battalion) that is alliance with Zelensky.


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