Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Volunteer fighters in Ukraine

There’s a great momentum in volunteer fighters from Europe and America joining the resistance in Ukraine. This may seem natural reaction to accepting the call to support the European brothers and sisters. But knowing the Right-wing, Neo-Nazis rise in Ukraine and in other European nations including in the USA, it would be too foolish to ignore that link. Azov battalion’s fight in Eastern Ukraine and their Nazi-style youth camps are worth knowing before anyone wants to ignore that link.

Men, with or without explicit military background, from those countries are flocking into the war. The similar phenomenon was seen in the fight in Syria. Afghanistan had similar phenomenon during the resistance against Soviets. Those times it was Muslims from across the world and this time it’s the European Christians from Europe and America. 

I am sure FBI is watching it but I wonder that it would be too late to let this new fighters be seasoned in a war in Europe and come back to their country to spur white power resistance. We will see the effect of what’s brewing now in Europe later in the near future. 

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