Getting back to shape: Inspired by Quran and Sunnah
Congratulations! This is the most important journey of your life at this time.
In this article, I will go over the scientific facts about the metabolism, and how our food habit impacted our body and life, and finally, will share a scientific plan inspired by Quran and Hadith that I had used and alhamdulillah, works for me like a magic.
Let’s start with the name of Allah (Bismillah) and seek power and wisdom from Allah so that He grants us to be successful.
Then, go over the scientific facts on metabolism, impact of food in the body, and what it means by healthy life styles from Metabolism, Sugar/Carb and Impact of Food on Body
a. Follow the no-carb diet for 3-4 days (usually it takes that much time to kick off but it may vary person to person)
b. Eat as much as no-curb food to make sure you don’t fill hungry
c. Once you start faded away from carb-withdrawal symptoms you are now ready for the journey that means your fat adaptation has kicked in.
4. Exercise everyday. Morning after Fajr: walk or hike or get on the treadmill- doesn’t matter what you do but do it at least for an hour.a. Initially, You take Sahoor following breakfast schedule and then eat Iftaar accordingly
b. If you can: start water fasting i.e., only water during Sahoor and then iftaar. Make sure you drink plenty of waters at iftaar and night
Watch your body. Pray tahajjut if you can. That's for your mind, body and get help from Allah.
Few key points:
a. I am not convinced that continuing Keto or no-curb for long term is a good idea and our prophet (pbuh) used to eat curb food so I recommend to not to continue no-curb or keto for longer than 5-8 weeks. Go back to Sunnah as soon as possible.
b. Take picture of yourself before and after each stage - compare at every milestone! You need to keep yourself motivated by seeing the progress of your own.
Data capture and Plan:
Capture Vital and lifestyle statistics <date captured> and the plan Goals to reach by <target date>. Compare it weekly.
- Your list of medications (at the start of the journey): <list>
- You vitals
- Your current weight:
- height:
- You BMI:
- Lipid Profile: Cholosterel, HDL, LDL, TG
- Kidney function number
- Blood pressure
- Glucose
- Capture your food habit: <List>
- Sleep pattern
- Physical activities: <List>
- Goal of body weight and vitals:
- Target weight: ?
- Weight you are losing: ?
- You target for eight 6-week cycle (epoch)
- Target milestone with dates:
- Milestone 1: Date-1 - my weight will be: ?
- Milestone 2: Date-2 - my weight will be ?
- Milestone 3: Date-3 - my weight will be: ?
- Milestone 4: Date-4 - my weight will be:?
- Milestone 5: Date-5- my weight will be:?
- Milestone 6: 3/26/2023 - 190lb
- Target vital:
- Glucose: ?
- Lipid profile: ?
- BP: ?
- BMI: ?
- Other Target chronic disease (e.g. Sleep apnea, back pain, headache, etc.)
- Chronic disease 1
- Chronic disease 2
- Your List of Medications (after the journey): <list>
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