Friday, May 26, 2023

Is There Any Secret to Attain Allah's Guidance? Cracking the Code of an Open Secret!

Have you ever wondered why Umar Ibn Al-Khattab was guided to Islam even when he was on his way to kill the prophet (pbuh) while Abu Jahal remained and died in kufr? Similarly, many people get Hidaya, the guidance of Allah, seemingly with ease while rest are stranded and circles in the state of darkness and disbelief?

As a Muslim, we are aware that Iman, which is the belief in one God (Allah), is inherent in our Fitra or innate nature from birth. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that parents and society can lead children astray and cause them to lose faith in one God. Therefore, if we are fortunate enough to be born into a society that nurtures and preserves this faith from Fitra, then everything is well and good. However, as our prophet (pbuh) told us, it is possible for families and societies to deviate from the belief in Allah and instead embrace faithlessness or other deities. This can happen over generations in places where Islam has not been meaningfully propagated or where people have been influenced by misguided ideologies. In such situations, the question arises: How can faith be reclaimed in a society where it has been lost or corrupted?

Allah said in the Quran that Hidaya, the guidance, comes alone from Him. If He doesn’t guide one then no-one gets guidance and whoever He misguides they don’t have any way to be guided (مَنْ يَهْدِهِ اللَّهُ فَلَا مُضِلَّ لَهُ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلَا هَادِيَ لَهُ). That brings a question then is there anything in our hand that we can do to get Allah's guidance. After all, we can’t even be guided by ourselves or even by anyone else. That had been mentioned in the Quran many times even Prophet (pbuh) was only the messenger and warner and guidance comes from Allah alone. Many of the prophet's (pbuh) own family members weren't guided to Islam even after relentless effort by our beloved prophet (pbuh). Also, if Allah misguides people then they won’t be able to get back to guidance ever. Now, take the concept of guidance with what Allah said in the Quran that nothing happens without His wills and His explicit knowledge or approval. In that case, a person can ask the question that how can I even be guided if I don’t have any power to be guided or misguided?

Let's explore and demystify the concept of Hidaya (guidance) and delve deeper into understanding how we can attain Allah's guidance.

I have been searching for that answer for quite some time, or to be more precise, for decades. I am sure that this quest is not unique to me; it is shared by many individuals who observe the diverse states of people around them. Some individuals seem to experience the blissful taste of faith, living in an enviable state of tranquility and contentment. Let's refer to them as the "people of the right." On the other hand, there are those who live their lives without any concern for the afterlife and appear to be "just fine" or even seemingly "better off" than many faithful men and women. Let's call them the "people of the left." Additionally, there is a third category of people who find themselves caught in the middle. They possess enough faith to believe in the afterlife, yet their conviction is not strong enough to fully embrace life like those in the "people of the right" category. They tend to live in a state of fluctuation, neither fully committed to faithfulness nor embracing faithlessness. Consequently, a fundamental question arises: What did the individuals in the "people of the right" category do differently to be blessed with the sweetness of faith, while the other two categories either misguided or fluctuate in and out of the state of guidance?

Allah has bestowed upon us the gift of free will, making us the only creation (excluding the Jinn, who are not visible and thus not part of this discussion) to possess this attribute. However, our free will does not determine whether we are guided or misguided, as Allah has clearly stated that guidance and misguidance come solely from Him. Therefore, the choices we make with our free will are the actions we take or choose not to take. So, is there anything that the people of the left category can do to receive Allah's guidance? Yes they can and that’s clearly stated in the Quran. I was always looking for the direct answer but it's rather given in a little different way more in the form of deductive approach: listing out who won't be guided by Allah. 

Allah has mentioned few attributes as well as actions that if done, then their name will be "listed" on the group who Allah declares to not to guide. So, once we stop doing those listed actions and do not embrace ourselves with those attributes, then there's no barrier to receive Allah's guidance. Where can we find those attributes and actions? Where else but in the Quran.

In numerous instances, Allah has emphasized that He does not guide those who are deceitful, dishonest, corrupt, vulgar, oppressive, treacherous, disobedient, boastful, egoistic, and so on. Here are few evil actions and behaviors listed in the Quran that are ineligible to attain Allah's guidance:

Surah Al-Baqara (2:258), Surah Al-'Imran (3:86), Surah At-Tawba (9:19, 109), Surah As-Saff (61:7), Surah Al-Jumu'a (62:5),

وَٱللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ

Surah Al-Maeeda (5:51), Surah Al-An'aam (6:144), Surah Al-Qasas (28:50), Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:10)

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ

Surah Al-Baqara (2:264), Surah Al-Maeeda (5:67), Surah At-Tawba (9:37)

وَٱللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ

Surah Al-Maeeda (5:108), Surah At-Tawba (9:24), Surah At-Tawba (9:80)

وَٱللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلْفَٰسِقِينَ

 Surah Al-An'aam (6:107)

وَأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِى ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ

Surah Al-Zumar (39:3)

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِى مَنْ هُوَ كَٰذِبٌ كَفَّارٌ

Surah Al-Ghafir (40:28)

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي مَنْ هُوَ مُسْرِفٌ كَذَّابٌ

Surah Al-Munaafiqun (63:6)

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْفَاسِقِينَ

If you look around your surroundings and even look into the history of mankind then you will find that pretty evidently. Here's an  examples: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed to Allah to get one of the Omar into Islam. Who Allah guided into Islam? Omar ibn Khattab. Wasn't he heading to kill the prophet (pbuh) with sword in his hand? That's definitely a bad action from his side but if you compare that with Abu Jahal then you see the difference in their actions that who, even though both were disbeliever, you put in the list of "Ineligible for Hidya", according to Allah's criteria? Off-course Abu Jahal. The companion of the prophet (pbuh) who were guided to Islam, they either didn't pose those attributes or stopped holding those attributes and actions before getting Allah's guidance. There's no example in history who were guided while they were actively in the very state of those attributes and actions. It's evident even today. The people who answers the call of Islam and converted are those who are basically good people who were not in that "ineligible list” but didn't have the right understanding of God. 

This perspective can also be viewed from another angle: as humans, Allah has created us with an inherent nature inclined towards truth, which is known as "fitra." When we abstain from engaging in evil actions, our inner disposition towards truth is awakened, compelling us to search for the truth. However, if the truth of Allah is not presented to individuals in a proper manner, they may gravitate towards half-truths or falsehoods disguised as truth and begin embracing them. Metaphorically speaking, our fitra (and soul) is like a fertile land ready for cultivation. Once the land is cleared off for cultivation and water starts to flow but left uncultivated, any plants, shrubs, or grasses, regardless of their usefulness, will flourish in that fertile environment. Similarly, faith is like the beneficial plants, and our innate nature is like the fertile land waiting to be cultivated. Thus, faith is easily planted in our pure soul that’s free from corruption and evil actions mentioned in the Quran. As we embark on this journey and seek guidance from Allah, He extends His mercy by guiding us. This is Allah's promise in the Quran that He will metaphorically hasten towards those who seek Him.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to abstain from engaging in such behaviors and evil actions in order to seek Allah's protection from misguidance. Allah's guidance isn't automatically guaranteed rather we earn it through our actions and prayer and ultimately relying on His mercy. Likewise, when we desire guidance for someone else, we should actively assist them in avoiding those harmful actions to bring them out of that “ineligible list” of guidance and sincerely pray to Allah for their guidance.

You may then find masses who are out of that "ineligible" list but still don't have the faith in Allah. Why that could be the reason? Why they aren't getting the promised hidayah from Allah? Allah has repeatedly mentioned in the Quran that whosoever don't use their intellect and reasons, wouldn't believe. So, take it as combination of being out of that "ineligibility" and then use the intellect and reasoning to ponder the creation of Allah. Otherwise their heart won't open up to the truth. So, this is not "either-or" but a combination of both actions and efforts. Here's one example from Quran but there are many ayats asking the disbelievers to use their intellects and reasons.

"Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?" Surah Al-Anbiya (21:30)

إِنَّ شَرَّ ٱلدَّوَآبِّ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ ٱلصُّمُّ ٱلۡبُكۡمُ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَعۡقِلُونَ

“Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.” - Surah Al-Anfal (8:22).

كِتَـٰبٌ أَنزَلۡنَـٰهُ إِلَيۡكَ مُبَـٰرَكٌ۬ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوٓاْ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِ

“(Here is) a Book which We have sent down unto thee, full of blessings, that they may meditate on its Signs, and that men of understanding may receive admonition.” - Surah Saad (38:29)

Here are the list of ayats demanding you to use your intellect. I am just giving the references so that you can read on your own from the Quran. The theme of all these ayats is the same- think and use your intellect:

لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَعۡقِلُونَ

 أَفَلَا تَعۡقِلُونَ

Surah Al-Yunus (10:5) ...No wise did Allah create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand.

Surah Al-Yunus (10:24) ...Thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who reflect.

Surah Al-Yunus (10:16) ...A whole lifetime before this have, I tarried amongst you: will ye not then understand?" 

Surah Al-Hijr (15:75) indeed there's a sign for the people of intellect.

Surah Al-Noor (24:44) Allah changes days and nights. It has lesson for people who are keen on observing

Surah Al-Furqan (25:55) Allah made humans from water...

Surah Al-Yunus (10:100) Allah imposes filth on who don’t use intellect 

Surah Al-Jasiyah (45:3-5) There are signs for believers - on earth and sky , our creation and animals spreading . Day and night, bringing rain from sky, flow of air- there are signs for the people of intellect 

Sura Al-Aa’raf (7:185) don’t they ponder on the sky’s and earth’s management and what Allah has created?

Surah Al-Imran (3:190-191) Heavens and earth day and night - there are signs for those who are knowledgeable . They ponder and say you didn’t create us without any reason.

Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:80) - Allah creates, gives life, gives death- will you not use reason?

Surah Al-Hadid (57:17) perhaps you will understand 

Surah Al-Room (30:28) this do we detail for who use their reason

Surah Al-Baqarah (2:170-171) opposite of Using reason - they will follow their parents

Surah Al-Baqara (2:44) will you not reason 

Surah Al-Ankubat (29:43) but none will understand except who use reason 

Surah Yusuf (12:2) Quran in Arabic so that you understand 

Surah Al-An'am (6:151) so that you may use reasons 

Surah Al-Nisa (3:118) so you may use reason

Surah Ya-Sin (36:62) so did you not use reason 

Surah Al-An’am (6:32) So will you not reason?

Surah Al-Qasas (28:60) will you not reason?

Surah Al-Hajj (22:46) travel through the earth and use reason 

Surah Al-Mulk (67:10) if they used reason, they wouldn’t be companion of blaze

With our efforts and Allah's will, we can hope to be guided to the right path, inshaAllah.

Next: I will cover the next precious stage of Iman which is Taqwa i.e. God consciousness: fear & love of God, InshaAllah. 


Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Allah, strengthen Islam with one of two men whom you love more: Abu Jahl or Umar ibn al-Khattab.” Ibn Umar said, “The most beloved of the two was Umar.” - Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3681

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger () said, "No child is born except on Al-Fitra (Islam) and then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian, as an animal produces a perfect young animal: do you see any part of its body amputated?" Then he rec 'The religion of pure Islamic Faith (Hanifa), (i.e. to worship none but Allah), The pure Allah's Islamic nature with which He (Allah) has created mankind. Let There be no change in Allah's religion (i.e. to join none in Allah's worship). That is the straight religion; but most of men know not..." (30.30) - Sahih Bukhari.

The term "fitra" refers to the inherent predisposition or natural inclination towards recognizing and seeking the truth.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Gift of Advice for my son: A Twenty-Twenty Vision of Life!

This is the gift for my son as he is turning 15 soon . I used to repeat these to him so many times, so thought that it may be a good idea to put them together so that he can go back when he needed to be reminded. Coincidentally, when I finished the list, I found out that the sum total number of advices was 20, and thus the title of this blogpost came in impromptu- a twenty-twenty vision of life!

  • Childhood is the most precious and unique time of life. Once you pass this stage of life, you will never get it back, so enjoy your childhood to your fullest.
  • Once you see something, you can not “un-see” it, once you hear something you can not “un-hear” it, and once you know something you can not “un-know” it. So be careful of what you see, what you hear and what you know.
  • Trust in destiny. Everything will come out just fine. Just do your best. How do you know you did your best? Try hard until you've exhausted all of your options, such that you don’t regret later and say “I wish I had studied little more or tried little harder.”
  • Never fear of failure. Failure is not that when you tried and couldn’t reach your goal but failure is that which you wanted to do but never got the courage to try out Also, it’s never late to start anything new.
  • Success and failure are not at your hand and are not a direct proportion to your efforts. There are bazillions of variables those are not in your control that would define the success or failure for the effort you put forth. Regardless of the outcome, your effort will take you there where not enough people have reached.
  • There’s nothing called “you missed the train.” There would always be another train in your life, you just need to prepare yourself to catch it when it comes next time: set incremental goals in your life and put forth your best effort towards reaching one goal after another, so that you don't have to grief later on for not giving your best shot at it
  • Never compete with others rather compete with yourself. You have to reach to the edge of your potential and keep pushing the edge of the limit.
  • Follow your heart. It doesn’t matter which field of study you pursue but whatever your heart calls you, pursue that and be the best in that field.
  • Try different avenues, and try early enough, before you settle on your aim in life. The diversity of experience in life makes you stronger in later life.
  • Never chase after money to chose your profession. Money that is set to come, will come as a byproduct of your journey of life but in the meantime you will make your life miserable for you and the people surrounding you. It’s just one life and you can’t take your money with you. Look at the millionaire and billionaire who left all the money when they left this world.
  • Chose your profession wisely. You will spend most of your time, outside from your family, with the people who you would be working with. So if you despise your profession, the chance is very high that you wouldn’t enjoy the time with the people of that profession. And staying most of your day with those people would make your life miserable.
  • Your immediate family is your parents, brothers, sisters, wife, children and they come before your work in terms of your priorities. You can leave your workplace if you don’t like it and moreover, many times your workplace will leave you. But your family is your place of sanctuary that incomparable to your workplace.
  • The family you born to and the society you’re raised in aren’t something that you earned rather you were blessed with those. So there’s no reason to be boastful of what you will earn standing on the platform of your parents.
  • Trust the people around you. There would be a very few people in your life who will forfeit your trust so if you live in a life full of mistrust then it is you who would live a miserable life.
  • Help and do good to others without setting any expectations in return of your generosity. Life is not a business where you take calculated steps by looking for return. You are guaranteed to get the return, eventually, in a multiplied number but from some other unrelated and unexpected sources.
  • Never stop dreaming about your future. Everything else depends on some other factors, in one way or another, that you would have no control on your own.
  • Don't exaggerate the events of suffering that you're going through right now. Eventually you will laugh on how you cried over “spilled milk”.
  • Use time scale to reflect upon an event of life. What seems mountainous (too big to handle) on a shorter time scale could be proven as a little bump on the road of your journey.
  • Your father is another human being who is imperfect, so do not follow him uncritically of everything he does rather learn from him that are righteous and try to avoid that are otherwise.
  • I will be most proud when I see you exceeding me in every aspects of life. There’s no better moment for a dad to see his son standing taller than his father.

Finally and above all: You aren’t created in this world without any purpose. Know  the purpose of your life on this earth and fulfill it!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

বাংলাদেশ ও পাঠান

এটাকে ঢাকার অস্বাভাবিক ছবি বলার সাহস কি কারো আছে?

বিঃ দ্রঃ যেন আমি এই নগ্নতা প্রসারে পরোক্ষ ভুমিকাও না রাখি তাই আমি এই ছবিটাতে একটু পরিবর্তন করেছি। যারা দেখেননি তাদের জন্য বলি - ঢেকে রাখা ছবির অংশটা আপনি আপনার মা-বোন-মেয়েকে দেখাতে পারবেন না।

আমরা আগেও এই ধরণের ঘটনা দেখছি। তার মানে এটা নতুন কিছু না। সত্যি বলতে গেলেএটি কয়েক দশক ধরে চলা একটা "স্বাভাবিকচিত্র। আগেও আমরা তেমন কিছু বলি নাই এখনো আমরা তেমন কিছু বলছি না। সর্বোপরি আমরা খুবই "শান্তিপ্রিয় জাতী" যে যেটা পারে ঝুলাক। যতদিন পারুক ঝুলে থাকুক। আমরা দেখেও দেখবো নাবুঝেও বুঝবো না। আমরা কিন্তু ভাই "শান্তিপ্রিয়"!

কিন্তু এই দেখেও না দেখার মনোভাব এর খারাপ ফলাফল আমাদের পরিবার-সমাজ-রাষ্ট্র কি ভোগ করছে নাআজ না হলেও কাল কি ভোগ করতে হবে না?

আমি বলছি না যে আমাদের প্রজন্মের সব ভাল ছিল আর এখন সব খারাপ। উপরন্তু সত্যি বলতে কি গেলে আসলে আমাদের প্রজন্ম থেকেই সম্ভবত প্রকাশ্য-নগ্নতার এই সমস্যাটির শুরু।

কিন্তু তাই বলে কি আমরা শুধরাবো না?

একটা ব্যাপার আগেই পরিস্কার করে বলিআমেরিকা এবং অন্যান্য পশ্চিমা বিশ্বের অবস্থা আশঙ্কাজনক ভাবে খারাপ এবং তার ভয়াবহ পরিনামও তারা পাচ্ছে। এর পরিনামের যে কী ভয়াবহতা তা এখানে না থাকলে কেউ বুঝতে পারবে না। নগ্নতামাদকহতাশামানসিক বৈকল্যতাপারিবারিক  সামাজিক প্রথা ভেঙ্গে পড়াআত্মহত্যাবাচ্চাদের স্কুল  বিভিন্ন জায়গায়"গন-হত্যা", বিধ্বস্ত পারিবারিক বন্ধনসমকামিতাজেন্ডার-মুভমেন্টনিম্ন জন্মহারআরো অনেক অনেক ভয়াবহ সমস্যা যেসব নিয়ে সামনে এক সময়ে বিস্তারিতভাবে বলবো ইনশাআল্লাহ। শুধু কয়েকটা পরিসংখ্যান তুলে ধরলেই তার ভয়াবহতার একটা আঁচ পেয়ে যাবেনপ্রায় দুই কোটিরও বেশি আমেরিকান এখন LGBTQ, ৪২ শতাংশ প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক আমেরিকান ক্লিনিকাল এঙ্জাইটি  ডিপ্রেশনের (মনঃস্তাত্বিক দুঃশ্চিন্তা  অবসাদএর শিকারশুধু মাত্র গত বছরই এক লক্ষেরও বেশি আমেরিকান মারা গেছে বন্দুকের গুলিতে যার মধ্যে ছয় হাজার- স্কুলের ছোট ছোট বাচ্চাআর প্রতি বছর প্রায় এক লক্ষ চল্লিশ হাজারের মতো আমেরিকান মারা যায় এলকোহল  অবৈধ ড্রাগ (মদ  মাদকসেবনের কারণে। যার একটা বড় কারণ হলো এই সামাজিক বৈকল্যবস্তু  ভোগ বাদীতা। 

সুতরাংআমার মন্তব্যে আমেরিকা যে ভালো আছে সেটা মনে করার কোনো কারন নেই কিন্তু আমার কথা হলোআমরা কেনো সেই পশ্চিমা ভোগবাদী নগ্নতার প্রতিযোগিতায় নেমেছিযার ফলাফল তো খুব একটা সুখকর নয়। তদুপরিএটা কি আমাদের বাঙালি "সংস্কৃতিরশিক্ষাএটা কি আমাদের "ধর্মেরশিক্ষা?আমরা কি আমাদের মাবোনমেয়েদেরকে প্রকাশ্যে এমন পোশাক পরতে দিচ্ছিযদি না হয়তাহলে আমরা যখন সেই পোস্টারগুলির পাশ দিয়ে যাই তখন আমরা কী ভাবিএটা হিন্দি সিনেমা বলে বলছি না। হয়ত বাংলাদেশেী সিনেমার অবস্থাও ঠিক এমনই।

কিন্তু এটা কি "নব্বই ভাগ মুসলমানেরদেশ বাংলাদেশের চিত্র হতে পারেএটা কি "মসজিদের শহরঢাকার চিত্র হতে পারে?আমরা যদি এমন প্রকাশ্য নগ্নতার কোনোই প্রতিবাদ না করিআমাদের যুব সমাজকে নগ্নতা থেকে বাঁচতে সাহায্য না করি তাহলে আমরা আল্লাহর কাছে গিয়ে কী উত্তর দিবোসমাজে কিছু খারাপ সবসময় থাকবেইব্যক্তিগত গোপনীয় অন্যায় ছিল এবংথাকবে। এটা মানব জাতির ইতিহাসের অংশ। আমার এই কথাগুলো মানুষের ব্যক্তিগত গোপনীয় অন্যায় নিয়ে না - সেগুলোঠিক করার দায়িত্ব প্রত্যেকের নিজের। আমার এই কথাগুলো প্রকাশ্য নগ্নতা  সামাজিক সমস্টিগত অন্যায় এর বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবাদ এবং এই নগ্নতার অন্যায় থেকে সমাজকে বাঁচানোর চেষ্টা - নিজেকে বাঁচানোর চেষ্টা।