Friday, May 19, 2023

Gift of Advice for my son: A Twenty-Twenty Vision of Life!

This is the gift for my son as he is turning 15 soon . I used to repeat these to him so many times, so thought that it may be a good idea to put them together so that he can go back when he needed to be reminded. Coincidentally, when I finished the list, I found out that the sum total number of advices was 20, and thus the title of this blogpost came in impromptu- a twenty-twenty vision of life!

  • Childhood is the most precious and unique time of life. Once you pass this stage of life, you will never get it back, so enjoy your childhood to your fullest.
  • Once you see something, you can not “un-see” it, once you hear something you can not “un-hear” it, and once you know something you can not “un-know” it. So be careful of what you see, what you hear and what you know.
  • Trust in destiny. Everything will come out just fine. Just do your best. How do you know you did your best? Try hard until you've exhausted all of your options, such that you don’t regret later and say “I wish I had studied little more or tried little harder.”
  • Never fear of failure. Failure is not that when you tried and couldn’t reach your goal but failure is that which you wanted to do but never got the courage to try out Also, it’s never late to start anything new.
  • Success and failure are not at your hand and are not a direct proportion to your efforts. There are bazillions of variables those are not in your control that would define the success or failure for the effort you put forth. Regardless of the outcome, your effort will take you there where not enough people have reached.
  • There’s nothing called “you missed the train.” There would always be another train in your life, you just need to prepare yourself to catch it when it comes next time: set incremental goals in your life and put forth your best effort towards reaching one goal after another, so that you don't have to grief later on for not giving your best shot at it
  • Never compete with others rather compete with yourself. You have to reach to the edge of your potential and keep pushing the edge of the limit.
  • Follow your heart. It doesn’t matter which field of study you pursue but whatever your heart calls you, pursue that and be the best in that field.
  • Try different avenues, and try early enough, before you settle on your aim in life. The diversity of experience in life makes you stronger in later life.
  • Never chase after money to chose your profession. Money that is set to come, will come as a byproduct of your journey of life but in the meantime you will make your life miserable for you and the people surrounding you. It’s just one life and you can’t take your money with you. Look at the millionaire and billionaire who left all the money when they left this world.
  • Chose your profession wisely. You will spend most of your time, outside from your family, with the people who you would be working with. So if you despise your profession, the chance is very high that you wouldn’t enjoy the time with the people of that profession. And staying most of your day with those people would make your life miserable.
  • Your immediate family is your parents, brothers, sisters, wife, children and they come before your work in terms of your priorities. You can leave your workplace if you don’t like it and moreover, many times your workplace will leave you. But your family is your place of sanctuary that incomparable to your workplace.
  • The family you born to and the society you’re raised in aren’t something that you earned rather you were blessed with those. So there’s no reason to be boastful of what you will earn standing on the platform of your parents.
  • Trust the people around you. There would be a very few people in your life who will forfeit your trust so if you live in a life full of mistrust then it is you who would live a miserable life.
  • Help and do good to others without setting any expectations in return of your generosity. Life is not a business where you take calculated steps by looking for return. You are guaranteed to get the return, eventually, in a multiplied number but from some other unrelated and unexpected sources.
  • Never stop dreaming about your future. Everything else depends on some other factors, in one way or another, that you would have no control on your own.
  • Don't exaggerate the events of suffering that you're going through right now. Eventually you will laugh on how you cried over “spilled milk”.
  • Use time scale to reflect upon an event of life. What seems mountainous (too big to handle) on a shorter time scale could be proven as a little bump on the road of your journey.
  • Your father is another human being who is imperfect, so do not follow him uncritically of everything he does rather learn from him that are righteous and try to avoid that are otherwise.
  • I will be most proud when I see you exceeding me in every aspects of life. There’s no better moment for a dad to see his son standing taller than his father.

Finally and above all: You aren’t created in this world without any purpose. Know  the purpose of your life on this earth and fulfill it!

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