Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ignorance prevails

Usually I try to ignore these kind of videos (Ref: Dumb explanation of democracy) but felt a strong urge to denounce the speakers as they are outright wrong. The speakers in this video have confused the democracy with the voting process. Democracy doesn't (and shouldn't) mean a free will system where anyone can do anything as long as there are majority vote. Democracy without proper institutions (judicial, law, civic society, etc.) isn't a democracy but just a voting process.

Democracy is no way a perfect system but this is an existing system of our time that, to an extent, reflects the will of the people. Instead of giving senseless examples (where one wants to stop smoking in a bus by shouting rather than educating people about the harm of it), they should showcase the better system and people will flock to the better system.
Moreover, by saying that "Voting wasn't there during Prophet's (pbuh) time thus this is Bidaat", it shows the ignorance of that person. How about using Youtube and Facebook to preach Islam? or even preaching Islam in Bangla instead of Arabic? Did our Prophet (pbuh) or Sahaba's used any those tools to preach Islam or gave any speech in Bangla? No, right?....let's understand the wisdom behind an action or thing rather than the action or thing itself.

Netanyahu's greatest play of hypocrisy

At this moment in time, the greatest play of hypocrisy is being played out in the history of mankind. The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, delivers a speech at the joint congress meeting to condemn Iran on pursuing for nuclear bomb under the disguise of peaceful nuclear program. What a great peacekeeper to come forward to keep the world nuclear free. He, at some point, invoked the IAEA's report where it has reported Iran to not to come clean on their military nuclear program.
So, who is the man that is revealing all these great words? This is the prime minister of a country who is not even the signatory of IAEA, has more than 100 nuclear bombs in their military arsenal. Honestly, I don't care what Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu says as I this is the person who killed 1500 Palestinian, one-third of them were children, last year. What bothers me, as a civilized human, that he was crying wolf on the stage that's considered as the highest dignified place for the leaders of the world and 535 elected senators and representatives.
This is an epic manifestation of failure of democracy where money talks louder than anything else. The Israeli money, through AIPAC and others, is the reason that keeps all the elected officials mouth shut and hands clapping during this award winning historical hypocritical event.
It may read weird but the simplest statement should've been: the world should be nuclear bomb free for all the countries that are accepted as nuclear power: USA, China, Russia, France, & UK and that have developed those without accepting the IAEA treaty: Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.

[Originally posted on March 3, 2015]

শেখ মুজিব আর ৭ ই মার্চ এর সেই ভাষণ

আজকে সেই ৭ ই মার্চ। কতগুলো কথা যে একটা জাতিকে কতখানি বদলে দিতে পারে, কত দূর নিয়ে যেতে পারে - সেদিন সেটা আরেকবার প্রমানিত হয়েছিল। আমেরিকান প্রেসিডেন্ট এব্রাহেম লিংকন এর গেটিসবার্গ এর ভাষণ, উইনস্টন চার্চিল এর দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের ভাষণ, আর মার্টিন লুথার কিং জুনিয়র এর "I have a dream", এরকম আরো কিছু মাস্টারপিস যার সঙ্গে তুলনা করা চলে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব এর সেই ভাষণ। এটি তেমনি একটা ভাষণ যা ৭ কোটি বাঙালিকে পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানিদের অন্যায় এর বিরুধ্যে রুখে দাড়াতে সাহস দিয়েছিল। আমরা অনেক ভাগ্যবান যে যখন এই জাতির প্রয়োজন ছিল এমন এক নেতার যে অন্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে দাড়াতে সাহস যোগাবে, জীবন এর চেয়ে আত্মসম্মান কে বড় করে দেখাতে পারবে, তখনি এমন নেতার অবির্ভাব হয়েছিল।
বি:দ্র: গত প্রায় ২ মাস ধরে দেশে গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলন চলছে, বিরোধী দল হরতাল অবরোধ দিচ্ছে, বাস পোড়াচ্ছে, মানুষ মারছে। আর বিনা প্রতিদন্ধিতায় নির্বাচিত সরকার, সংবিধান রক্ষার নামে আরো চার বছর ক্ষমতায় থাকার জন্য যত মানুষের মরা দরকার, যত মানুষকে মারা দরকার তার ব্যবস্থা করে যাচ্ছে। এখন আমাদের বড় দরকার একজন নেতার যে কিনা দাড়াতে পারবে এই দুই জঘন্য রাজনৈতিক দল এর মাঝখানে। পরিক্ষ্কার করে বলতে পারবে: আওয়ামী লীগ যা করছে তা অন্যায়, বিএনপি যা করছে তা অন্যায়, শেখ হাসিনা যা করছে তা অন্যায়, খালেদা জিয়া যা করছে তা অন্যায়।এই অসভ্য রাজনীতি অন্যায়।

[Originally posted on March 7, 2015]

The Rule of 32: Daily Meditation

|| The Rule of 32 ||
For 32 minutes in a day, focus on your soul alone and leave the world around you behind
32 Standings || stand straight on your both feet while keeping body weight evenly on both legs. Do it 1 minute at a time
32 Bows || Bend forward your body from hip joint, make your upper body part parallel to the ground, while keeping your legs straight. Be in that posture for at least 30 seconds every time
32 Sit ups || Just regular sit up on both feet flat on the ground
32 Sittings || Sit on both feet with folded legs, stay at least 30 seconds every time. Keep your backbone straight and breathe regularly
32 Push ups || touching both knees on the ground and stretch your body forward for the length of your upper body part while doing the push up

Three points on racism in our society

The root of racism in our society: a few observations
1. The races that you can identify yourself to are: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White. Why mixing color, language, region to distinguish different people?Why we use color for White, region for African American, language for Hispanic? Wouldn't a fair classification be either: Black, White, Brown, Yellow or African American, European American, Asian American, Latin American, ...?
2. We use the word "white" to indicate good things and even a bad thing becomes apparently good when you add to it (e.g. white lie). And almost all black things are bad (e.g. black market, black list, ...)
3. The color "white" denotes to cleanliness, purity, divinity, etc. while the color "black" used as filthy, impurity, corruption, etc. You would find statements in religion like: the heart is clean like white and as you commit sin, the heart gets black spots and become black as you sink in sins ..... (paraphrasing)

Identity theft: Muslims must stand openly against the atrocities in the name of Islam

When a group of self-proclaimed-Muslim started to shoot people in a restaurant, in a football stadium and in a theater and indiscriminately kills 130 human souls (352 wounded), in the name of Islam, it's time for Muslims to wake up.
When a group of self-proclaimed-Muslim storms into a hotel, goes room to room and shot who fails the test of reciting Quran and kills at least 27 human souls, in the name of Islam, it's time for Muslims to wake up.
When a group of self-proclaimed-Muslim kills 43 human souls (wounded 239) in Lebanon in the name of Islam, it's time for Muslims to wake up.
When a group of self-proclaimed-Muslim set up bomb on a plane and kills 224 human souls in Egypt, in the name of Islam, it's time for Muslims to wake up.
What did the people in the hotel in Mali do?
What did the people in Beirut do?
What did the people on that flight in Egypt do? 
What did the people in Paris in the stadium, restaurant, theater do?

They weren't in a war zone or in a fight with anyone. 
They weren't in a military compound or cantonment. 
They weren't even close to any military facility where they were killed indiscriminately.

Can any one justify killing me or my family because there is a war going on in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other place in the earth. In No Quran, in No Sunnah they can get any justification to kill people having their evening snacks or dinner at a restaurant.
Those terrorists have invented a new (twisted) Islam. We Muslims are now the victim of Identity theft. It's our responsibility to protect our identity as Muslim and not let those thieves to continue to steal our identity. Time has long passed for all the Muslim countries to collectively fight these terrorist groups. And we, the common people, can support that fight by giving moral support and showing our solidarity. It's never too late to do the right thing.