Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Rule of 32: Daily Meditation

|| The Rule of 32 ||
For 32 minutes in a day, focus on your soul alone and leave the world around you behind
32 Standings || stand straight on your both feet while keeping body weight evenly on both legs. Do it 1 minute at a time
32 Bows || Bend forward your body from hip joint, make your upper body part parallel to the ground, while keeping your legs straight. Be in that posture for at least 30 seconds every time
32 Sit ups || Just regular sit up on both feet flat on the ground
32 Sittings || Sit on both feet with folded legs, stay at least 30 seconds every time. Keep your backbone straight and breathe regularly
32 Push ups || touching both knees on the ground and stretch your body forward for the length of your upper body part while doing the push up

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