Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ignorance prevails

Usually I try to ignore these kind of videos (Ref: Dumb explanation of democracy) but felt a strong urge to denounce the speakers as they are outright wrong. The speakers in this video have confused the democracy with the voting process. Democracy doesn't (and shouldn't) mean a free will system where anyone can do anything as long as there are majority vote. Democracy without proper institutions (judicial, law, civic society, etc.) isn't a democracy but just a voting process.

Democracy is no way a perfect system but this is an existing system of our time that, to an extent, reflects the will of the people. Instead of giving senseless examples (where one wants to stop smoking in a bus by shouting rather than educating people about the harm of it), they should showcase the better system and people will flock to the better system.
Moreover, by saying that "Voting wasn't there during Prophet's (pbuh) time thus this is Bidaat", it shows the ignorance of that person. How about using Youtube and Facebook to preach Islam? or even preaching Islam in Bangla instead of Arabic? Did our Prophet (pbuh) or Sahaba's used any those tools to preach Islam or gave any speech in Bangla? No, right?....let's understand the wisdom behind an action or thing rather than the action or thing itself.

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