Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Need a bottom up approach to eradicate misinterpretation of Islam

The 34 Muslim majority countries' alliance is one of the sound steps toward solving the current problem in the world. That was required to put off the fire that's burning the house. This is a top down approach. But we also need a bottom up approach to educate the billions of Muslim population about the misinterpretation and misappropriation of Islam by the greedy and cruel people around the world.
A sample outline could be: a multi-year initiative needs to be taken by the Muslim leaders and Imams. This initiative would have a clear mission to eradicate the misinterpretation of Islam that are used by the terrorists to recruit Muslims who don't have intellect to determine those falsehoods. The initiative should use the tool like: khutba during Jumma, special speeches, Islamic conferences, printed communication (brochure, leaflets, etc.), online and traditional media communication, etc. These education should be tailored for Parents, Kids, young men and women, senior citizens, etc. Also, one thing to be remember that what works easily in Bangladesh won't work as is in the USA. So the communication should be appropriated for the context of countries and cultures. This is just a rough idea. There are more intellegent people around the world who would have better idea than mine to get this done effectively. 

But things has to start now!

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