Saturday, December 12, 2015

Why America is my home

Yesterday Senate committee has declassified the executive summary of more than 500 pages of document which has vividly described how the CIA tortured the detainees in the name of interrogation. The senate committee has harshly criticized the actions of CIA that started after the 9/11 and continued for few years. Though the White House and president Obama had repeatedly pushed out the declassification attempt earlier but finally the executive summary got published. It's expected that in near future the full report would be declassified as well. This is the uniqueness of the United States of America that has the self recycling capability through which the past mistakes are not only acknowledged but put into public trial. This is true for numerous number of events in the history: the systematic cleansing of native Americans, inhuman practice of slavery, segregation of black, Jews and Irish discrimination, Japanese encampment during WWII, Vietnam massacre, etc. In every situation Americans have rectified themselves through acknowledgement of past mistakes and giving freedom and equal rights to those who were subject to the oppressions. Winston Charchil said it as "America ultimately does the right thing after exhausting all the options".

So long a nation can recycle itself through self acknowledgement and self cleansing, it would revive again and again as if it re born again and again and start anew.  In human history, there's a very few nation that had done so and that's the superiority of America and that allures me to call this country as my home even though I wasn't born in this land and have a motherland deep into my heart: Bangladesh

[originally posted on my older site sometime in 2014]

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