Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to pave the path for a more just and more prosperous society: five objectives and measuring the outcome

Continuation of the last post, I would like to add the fifth objective to the initiative to pave the path for a more just and more prosperous society:

1. We start with our family. We declare each of our families as free from corruption: we don’t do corruption, we don’t participate in corrupt acts, we say it loud when we see corruption. We disavow all forms of corruption in the society. Be it small like giving less in weight when we sell and buy goods or be it big like to paying bribery to officials and political leaders.

2. We educate our family members about the power of participation in a democratic society: make our voice heard at the grass root level starting at masjeed committee, school committee, Village committee, city and town counselors, members, commissioners, chairmans, mayors, etc.

3. We train our family members to love others as well as forgive others in the society. A small act of good deed will create a snowball effect and cause the avalanche of good deed to flow in the society. And forgiving others will  make us better human and reduce tension in our every day life.

4. We stand for justice, be it at individual level or at family level. Even if it may go against me, my family or my community.

5. Finally, we all strive to be better human with high morality and high ethics. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes but we all can strive to be better.

So, how would we know that we are making progress and realizing the benefits of it. For that, each of these objectives would have to be detailed out and the outcome would need to be shown in a quantifiable and in a measurable way. I would lay that out for each of the objectives soon, however, until that detail is laid out, here’s my brief thought on measuring the outcome of the initiative both at individual and family levels:

People would not approach me or my family members with illegal or corrupt proposals. Even if they may approach with such proposals, we would not only turn that down but would also convey this message to that person why we are not taking part in that corruption or injustice. When people see me or my family members around, they would not just expect no corruption or injustice from us but also they would feel safe from all kind of corruption, injustice and humiliation from others as we would be the persons who would stand against any form of injustice- be it protecting them through force or through explicit verbal support and standing for the juatice.

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