Sunday, February 25, 2018

Micro blog: Refute popular ignorance: If everything Allah determines then how does it make sense for us to do differently because even that different ways are determined by God?

Let us use Euclid's method to refute it. The above subject line question comes due to the popular knowledge of common sense. If we can't decide our own choice or destiny then how can we say it was my action that determined the outcome? The below question is then also true based on our popular knowledge and commonsensical observation. Is it possible that two objects can stay at two places at the same time? They would reasonably say, "No". If you can’t observe it or experiment it then it can’t be taken as truth otherwise that become a believe not science. If we can prove it logically that the answer is "Yes", then the first question would then also be true that it's possible to have Allah decides on everything even when the action can be taken differently by a person to reach to that destined outcome. 

The observable world would agree with the answer that it's not possible to have two objects to stay at the same time at two different places. But in the quantum world, it's certainly possible that two objects are staying at the same time. This is approved by the famous tests where observation changes the photons to take two paths through the slit and hits two places at the same time. How is it possible? In theory, it's simple. If the object can travel at light speed for then for that object it's possible to stay even in multiple places at the same time. It's only our limitation where we humans are bound by our time dimension in our observation. Even some particles can travel faster than light speed that we can't fathom how to even test it. Currently, it's not known how an object that is heavier then a photon can travel with light speed. This constrain is set by Einstein’s famous equation e = mc2 but hey, who said that this is the last equation we got in science that would remain as final equation. If in some way the equation can have another factor added to it which would not make the mass infinitely heavy or can achieve the speed with less than infinite energy then it would be certainly possible that we, the human, would be able to observe the light speed and we may be able to prove that but we won’t know that for sure until then. 

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