Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Injustice isn’t responded with injustice - that’s not who we are!

And the killer thought he was doing good to Islam? That poor tailor was just a regular guy who even apparently helping the Muslim to make his clothings. 

I, as a Muslim, am ashamed!

He must have not known the persecutions that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) had faced during his 13 years of life in Islam and some insult by a regular Hindu man is nothing compared to when he was called: magician, poet, mentally sick, etc.

“On one occasion, when Muhammad (pbuh) was praying in the courtyard of the Ka'ba, Uqba brought the waste of a slaughtered camel (intestines, blood, dung, etc.) upon the suggestion of other Quraysh leaders who were gathered there, and placed it upon Muhammad's back while he was in prostration.”

What did our prophet (pbuh) replied with?

Allah knows best but this Muslim man doesn’t have any basic wisdom that our prophet (pbuh) had taught us through his own life. The murderer not only had done a great injustice to this poor tailor but he is also putting many Muslims in great hardship in India.

These types of bigots are there in every religion: be it Islam, Christianity or Hindu! Yes, Hindu bigots in India are doing immense injustice and threatening with genocide to Indian Muslim but that doesn’t justify injustice by any Muslims. 

We are Muslim and we ought to carry the legacy of Islam and our Prophet (pbuh) who fought for Justice in His entire life! Then only we will be able to get the promised success in this life and hereafter.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা কে আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ পদ্মা সেতু নির্মাণের জন্য

আমি যখন চতুর্থ শ্রেণীর ছাত্র, আমার আব্বা বাংলাদেশ স্টীল ইন্জিনিয়ারিং কর্পোরেশন এর নারায়নগন্জ ডকইয়ার্ড থেকে খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে ট্রান্সফার হয়েছিলেন আর সেই সুবাদে আমাদেরও তখন বছর খানেক খুলনায় থাকতে হয়েছিল। মনে আছে, ঢাকা থেকে খুলনা যেতে হতো প্রায় ছয়-সাতটা ফেরি পার হয়ে। সন্ধ্যায় রওনা দিয়ে খুলনা নিউমার্কেট বই আর টি সি বাস স্ট্যান্ড এ যেয়ে পৌঁছাতাম পরদিন সকালে। তারপর আস্তে আস্তে অনেক গুলো ফেরি উঠিয়ে দিয়ে সেতু হয়ে গিয়েছিল। শেষবার যখন গেছি, ২০০১ সালের দিকে তখন এই একটা মাত্র বাকি ছিল।

আলহামদুলিল্লাহ। এবার সেটাও হয়ে গেল।

মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা কে আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ তার সাহস এবং সংকল্পের জন্য- স্বপ্নের পদ্মা সেতুকে বাস্তবে রূপ দেয়ার জন্য। 

আমাদের দেশ এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে আরো যাবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ!

Friday, June 17, 2022

Rizq (sustenance)- common misconceptions and the counter intuitiveness of its nature!

Rizq (رِزْق) is generally translated as provision or sustenance. The broader meaning of it is anything that we get in this life such as, food that we eat, water that we drink, money that we earn and spend, house that I live in, car that I drive...the list goes on and on. As a Muslim we say that rizq comes from Allah and also we we say that we "earn" our rizq. Let's unwrap the apparent counter intuitiveness nature of the rizq and why we fall into the trap of many common misconceptions. This will change the perception of life and free yourself from many worldly crisis, inshaAllah.

  1. Somehow we’ve connected Rizq with our work which Allah always kept unconditional in the Quran. There are numerous ayats that declared that repeated throughout the Quran. Allah said- He created us, then He will give us Rizq, then He will give us death and then He will resurrect us. Allah didn’t add any preconditions to any of the above four of His actions. Allah also declared in the Quran that He extends Rizq whoever He wishes and restricts whoever He wishes. It’s repeatedly mentioned in the Quran. Then why and from where we got this idea that our work is a precondition to get our Rizq?

  2. Allah has ordained us to seek knowledge (e.g. “Iqra - read"; and “Afala ta’qilun - Will you not use your intellect?", in Surah Al-Mulk, Surah Al-Noor, etc.). So we have to acquire knowledge. That’s Allah’s order. Allah also said in the Quran that He created things on this earth to test who are good at work. Allah has ordained us to do good and stop evil. So we’ve to work to pass the test of this world, establish good and curb evil. Isn't that a lot of work by itself? Allah never connected those work that He ordained us to do as precondition to Rizq. Yet, we create that precondition without any apparent reason. 

  3. One reason could be: we are confused by our observations on this earth that are so causal in nature (Causality is in short - to get an effect there has to be a cause). That is also sometimes reinforced by some stories of renowned Muslims or Islamic figures and their remarks on Rizq. We, many times, also take wrong lessons from such stories. Such an example is of prophet Sulaiman alahiassalam. As a Muslim, whose life style we should follow? Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), right? Then why do we skip the prophet's (pbuh) living example and take the example of some others in Islamic history (and often in wrong interpretation)? What and how much wealth our prophet (pbuh) had left when he died? What and how much wealth Khulafa-e-rashideen had left when they died? Almost nothing or very insignificant! Those examples are in their lives but we look at someone else. Why?

  4. Nonetheless, if you think you’re creating your own Rizq - then tell me: what do you use as a resource to “earn” your own Rizq? Your education? Your talent & brain power? Your body muscle? Your eyes? Your hands?

    1. Had you been able to acquire your knowledge without a good brain power? Who created those? Who had given those to you at the time of your birth?

    2. Had you been able to go to college to study for 25+ years without money or housing or food from your parents? Did you choose your parents when you were born?

    3. Did you order your fingers, eyes,. Ears, muscles with the specification that you are proud of and you use everyday to “earn” your Rizq?

    4. Did you order your birth in a safe, secure and in an educated, well-off family/society? What if you had been born in Yemen today? In Afghanistan today? In Ukraine today? In the poorest of an African country today? Who gave you this nice family, society, country and this beautiful earth at birth? Allah, right?And He had given you without you even asking for that? What if you had been born in a time of ice-age? or even 2 thousands years ago or at a time when the earth was wild and you had to live in a cave? Did you pick that for yourself? NO. you’re just lucky to be born with all those blessings to “earn” your Rizq. It’s 99.99999…% of things that were chosen before you were even born and you are worried about the little insignificant effort you think you’re making? Think deep!

  5. Now let’s get back to our current time. What Elan Musk’s son had done to earn hundreds of billions of dollars? What Steve Jobs's son or Bill Gates' son or Warren Buffet’s son had done to earn their hundreds of billions of dollars? Nothing. They didn’t even know that they were born with that “Rizq”. 

    1. If you think Steve Jobs had billions of dollars of Rizq, it’s not true either. How much he consumed was his Rizq. Rest of them were deception to keep him in the deception, circling in this materialistic world and forgetting the life after death.

  6. We’re in illusion. We have to work as Allah has ordained us. We have to rely on Allah for Rizq as Allah has declared that in the Quran. Those are two independent things and we mess up when you create this “unconnected” connection.

The materialistic world needs you to think that those two are connected. It’s a tool for them to keep in this rat race. You put yourself in this non-existent and invisible chain (but we all see it as real in our own mind because we create that Chimera  in our brain). It’s not surprising. Allah said that this world is nothing but a deception and He created us to test and we’re falling flat on our face in that test. Wake up! You have enslaved yourself to others voluntarily. Break the chain that isn’t even there.  It will not just give you success in the hereafter (the ultimate success - as Allah has mentioned in the Quran) but it will also make your life in this world peaceful, free from fearing your boss, employer, politicians, etc. as well as from anxiety, stress, depression, hypertension, and save you from taking all those “life-long” medications. 

Now you may question: how about the “reality” that we see surrounding us that the people who work hard are richer and who work less are poorer or in misery? Is that true? First of all, as I mentioned, that's not true because of the resources you were born with (mentioned earlier) that you yourselves never did anything to acquire. Leave that aside if you still want to get some “more proof”. Two types of examples.

First, you are used to see that with your apparent observation, then science proves through experimental proof that you were wrong and you accept them happily:

  • Do you still claim the earth is flat? But you see it flat right? Even Muslims used to believe that the earth is flat. Until science proved that no you were wrong. The earth is spherical.

  • Do you still believe the Sun revolves around the earth? But you see it rising and setting everyday. Just until recently we humans used to believe that the Sun and all the heavenly  objects revolved around the Earth.  Even today we still use the words “sunrise” and “sunset” still today. Until Science proved that your observations are wrong. 

  • Do you still believe the Earth is standing still? But you see it’s still and we move on the Earth. But you now believe after scientists proved that the Earth is rotating 24 thousands mile per hour but you don’t see it. Also it’s moving at the speed of 67 thousands miles per hour and revolving around the Sun but your eyes and all other sensors tell you that it’s standing still devoid of motions. 

  • Do you believe the Sun is larger or brighter than the Stars that you see in the sky? No you don’t. But your eyes deceive you every day and you accept that because you have proved mathematically that they aren’t smaller or dimmer than the Sun. So you are being “deceived” every day but you ignore it because you “know” the truth. 

  • Do you believe that bacteria and viruses cause disease? But you didn’t see it until the invention of the microscope just recently. First time Muslim scientist suggested to wash your hand to prevent disease and later European other scientist proved that there are “unseen” living things that causes diseases. Now you believe them.

  • Do you believe in ultraviolet, gamma or X-ray ? You don’t see them though. There are lights that our human eyes don’t see but you believe them, pun intended, “blindly”. Because you use some apparatus to prove that. Similarly you don’t hear sounds lower than 20dB and higher than 20,000 dB but you believe them as well after science proved them.

Things even the scientists were first wrong and corrected themselves:

  • Do you still believe that “Fasting is bad”. Even doctors and scientists used to believe that fasting is harmful for diabetic patients or for acid reflux as they used to advise to eat frequently just recently. Now it’s proven that “Autophagy” in your cells actually cures your type-2 diabetic disease if you fast. Now you believe that even when scientists apparently “observed “ scientifically wrong. Now you believe that. But Allah had mentioned in the Quran that fasting is good for the sick if they only knew.

  • Have you heard of the Gravity that Newton had proved 300 years ago?  He had a “proven” theory that the Gravity comes out of the heavenly bodies like The Sun, the Earth, etc. just like the magnetic force. Until Einstein proved that that’s not true. Gravity is just the curvature of space-time not emoting from the objects. 

Scientists had pushed us to believe than they retracted:

  • Have you heard of Either? It was a “great discovery” that radio waves or other light waves came through the medium “either” as they thought that there must be something to carry the wave or particle. They retracted that claim of “either” later but most of us had accepted their earlier claim. Now we all know that there’s nothing called “either” that exists.

  • Do you believe that egg yolks cause heart disease? Scientists had “proved” that based on scientific evidence in the nineties so everyone had stopped it. Now they have retracted that a decade ago that the correlations were wrongly attributed. Now they understand the cholesterol better in the combination of HDL, LDL (High buoyancy and low buoyancy), and TG. The directive has now changed and you believe that. 

Finally, it’s not proven yet, but do you know that many scientists are claiming that our life is “predetermined”? It will blow your mind that how that is so close, yet not same, to what said in the Quran? That is called Qadr (though there are differences between them) but you see what is happening with our or even Scientists observation, right?

So all these things tell you that what you see isn’t what is really happening. Would you claim based on your apparent visual observations or cognitive reasoning and after all the above examples? There are tons of such examples I can bring but if these aren’t enough then those may not be enough for you. Wake up! Ponder! Free yourself from the illusive and non-existent chain that we ourselves created in our brain!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Living for materialistic life- recipe for disaster

We think getting everything in this world is going to give us life. It does not! Check Jelena Dokic’s Instagram post.

Most of us don’t even realize but many of us are living a variation of her life where our success is defined by what profession I am in, what’s my job title, how much money I make, how big of a house I live in, what car I drive, or what my children are accomplishing following our footsteps. Essentially, what social status I am holding in comparison to others.

  • Someone else defines what success means in our life and we race to reach that without even questioning their background or motives. Whoever lives in America is racing for the so-called “American Dream”. Ask them what’s that, they would define it by only materialistic life.

  • Someone else defines how to live our life and we immediately start to fit ourselves into that lifestyle. Someone defined that I have to work like slaves for the week and wait for the weekend to recharge, I have to go for vacation few times in a year to leave the nightmare we set ourselves in, I have to enjoy summer- repeatedly again and again year after year- repeating it like a for ever loop, I have to earn tons of money for 67 years before I retire and nothing’s left off of my youth for doing anything meaningful for the purpose of my life.

  • We think those materials would give us happiness until we find that they are not. It is like - when you are thirsty for water but only thing you are given is salty water to quench your thirst but that makes you more thirsty until we collapse emotionally, psychologically, or physically.

  • Why those “make us happy” materials don’t give us tranquility? Because we aren’t created for that. As soon as we reach a height of success then we see the next height to reach and then the next. But for what? As soon as that question starts to come to your mind you get no answer. This materialistic system doesn’t even want you to even ask that question- it makes sure by keeping you busy at all the time and not allowing you a free time alone to reflect- lest your eyes become wide open! Because once you know that you are going to leave all of the worldly success any time or in a matter of just a few years- in 40, 60 or 80 years- in comparison to the life of eternity. You realize that you are collecting all “the stuff” what people in the past had left in this world. Then what? That will make you anxious- what are you  heading towards? Some of us can’t take it anymore and declare that there’s no life hereafter and just wish to let it end. Then it comes to their mind - why are they racing for materialistic success? Then they try to come to new innovative thoughts. Rest of us who aren’t dumb enough to declare that non-sense, gets scary as we aren’t collecting anything for that journey and start hopelessly hoping for nothing.

  • Then we start taking drugs to continue living for materials: some of us take alcohol to forget the reality; some of us take psychiatric drugs to keep us out of stress and depression; some take blood pressure or Cholesterol drugs to keep body running for the rat race; some take vacation pills in every season, every month or every weekend to forget the madness of the race; some take “materialistic success” drug to show off to others that they are doing better than all the others around them; everyone of us are on some kind of drugs!

Ask yourself, why were you created? What is the purpose of your life? Find the answer before you are consumed in this temporary life and before it’s too late. It’s just one life and there’s no return to fix it even if you realize the truth after you die! Do it now!

২৬ তলা থেকে লাফ দিতে চেয়েছিলেন তিনি

Monday, June 6, 2022

এটা কেমন কথা?

সব উন্নয়নের কৃতিত্বে আমি ভাগ বসাবো,

নিজের জন্য বাহবা নিবো,

আর বাকি সব দায়-দায়িত্ব কি শুধু্ই জনগণের?

অথবা "দায়িত্বশীলসরকারী কর্মকর্তার?

এটা কেমন কথা?

পদ্মা সেতু নির্মাণের বাহবা নিবো ঢাকঢোল বাজিয়ে

আর যখন ৪১ জন জীবন্ত মানুষ মুহূর্তেই নাই হয়ে যায়

পুড়ে মরে সীতাকুণ্ডের ভয়াবহ রাসায়নিক বিস্ফোরণে!

তখন দায়িত্ব মূহুর্তেই ভাগাভাগি হয়ে যায় জনগণের সাথে!

অথবা খুঁজে বের করি "দায়িত্বশীলসরকারী কর্মকর্তাদের।

যখন পোশাক রপ্তানি হুহু করে বাড়িয়ে দিয়ে রপ্তানি আয় দ্বিগুন করে দিল ওরা-

তারজন্য আমি আমার সুদূরদর্শী পরিকল্পনার বাহবা নিলাম। মানি।

কিন্তু যেদিন হাজারেরও বেশি পোশাক শ্রমিক চাপা পড়ে মারা পড়লো রানা প্লাজায়-

তখন কালবিলম্ব না করে দায়-দায়িত্ব সব ভাগাভাগি হয়ে গেল পিলার আর বিরোধী দলের সঙ্গে!

এটা কেমন কথা?

প্রবাসী রেমিটেন্সের বাড়-বাড়ন্তে আমি খুঁজে পাই আমার সাফল্যের।

আর যখন এক বিলিয়ন ডলার মুহূর্তেই নাই হয়ে যায় সরকারী কোষাগার থেকে,

তখন আমি সহজেই দায়িত্ব চাপিয়ে দেই ওই ব্যাংকারদের আর বেচারা ফিলিপাইনের উপর।

ঢাকার সব বড় বড় প্রকল্পের জন্য সাফল্য নিজের করে নিলেন!

মেট্রোরেল...উড়াল সড়ক... নতুন বিমানবন্দর।

সবই মানি।

আর ঢাকা যে বায়ু দূষিত শহরের তালিকায় সবার উপরে চলে গেল!

সেটার কৃতিত্বটা নিতে যে ভুলে গেলেন!

এটা কেমন কথা?

আল্লাহ না করুক

যদি রুপপুর পারমাণবিক কেন্দ্রে এমন কিছু ঘটে?

তবে কি এমনি করে আবার দায়িত্ব ভাগাভাগি হয়ে যাবে?

উন্নয়ন আমার!

আর দায়িত্ব জনগণের?

সেটা কিন্তু হবে পুরো দেশের জন্য এক ভয়াবহ দায়িত্ব।

আমরা চাইনা সেই দায়িত্ব কখনও আসুক।

আমরা কি নিঃসংশয়?

নিজের ঘরের মধ্যে থেকে জলজ্যান্ত মানুষ গুলো গুম হয়ে যায় -

আর তাদের পরিবারগুলোর হাহাকার গুলো আকাশে বাতাসে ভেসে বেড়ায়।

অথচ ভাঙ্গা রেকর্ড বেজেই চলে - "কতৃপক্ষ দায়ী নয়"

এটা কেমন বিচার?

প্রকাশিত মেধাতালিকা কিন্তু নেহাত ছোট না-

ক্যাসিনো বানিজ্য

-কমার্স কেলেন্কারী

দূর্নীতিগ্রস্তের তালিকায় ১৪৭ (১৮০ এর মধ্যে)

...চলছে চলবে...

কৃতিত্বের দায়িত্ব অনেক বড়।

সেই দায়িত্ব অনেক কঠিন।

দায়িত্ব ছেড়ে শুধু মাত্র কৃতিত্ব নিলে সেটা ভিন্ন কথা।

তবে সেটা হবে অসাম্যের কৃতিত্ব!

সেটা হবে অবিচারের কৃতিত্ব!

কবে বন্ধ হবে এই অসাম্যেরএই অসম দায়িত্বের ভাগবাটোয়ারা!

যেখানে শুধু দায়িত্বের বোঝাটাই জনগণের।

আর সব কৃতিত্বের ভাগিদার - 

নির্লজ্জের মতো শুধুই "আমি"

এ কেমন অশ্লীলতা?