Monday, June 13, 2022

Living for materialistic life- recipe for disaster

We think getting everything in this world is going to give us life. It does not! Check Jelena Dokic’s Instagram post.

Most of us don’t even realize but many of us are living a variation of her life where our success is defined by what profession I am in, what’s my job title, how much money I make, how big of a house I live in, what car I drive, or what my children are accomplishing following our footsteps. Essentially, what social status I am holding in comparison to others.

  • Someone else defines what success means in our life and we race to reach that without even questioning their background or motives. Whoever lives in America is racing for the so-called “American Dream”. Ask them what’s that, they would define it by only materialistic life.

  • Someone else defines how to live our life and we immediately start to fit ourselves into that lifestyle. Someone defined that I have to work like slaves for the week and wait for the weekend to recharge, I have to go for vacation few times in a year to leave the nightmare we set ourselves in, I have to enjoy summer- repeatedly again and again year after year- repeating it like a for ever loop, I have to earn tons of money for 67 years before I retire and nothing’s left off of my youth for doing anything meaningful for the purpose of my life.

  • We think those materials would give us happiness until we find that they are not. It is like - when you are thirsty for water but only thing you are given is salty water to quench your thirst but that makes you more thirsty until we collapse emotionally, psychologically, or physically.

  • Why those “make us happy” materials don’t give us tranquility? Because we aren’t created for that. As soon as we reach a height of success then we see the next height to reach and then the next. But for what? As soon as that question starts to come to your mind you get no answer. This materialistic system doesn’t even want you to even ask that question- it makes sure by keeping you busy at all the time and not allowing you a free time alone to reflect- lest your eyes become wide open! Because once you know that you are going to leave all of the worldly success any time or in a matter of just a few years- in 40, 60 or 80 years- in comparison to the life of eternity. You realize that you are collecting all “the stuff” what people in the past had left in this world. Then what? That will make you anxious- what are you  heading towards? Some of us can’t take it anymore and declare that there’s no life hereafter and just wish to let it end. Then it comes to their mind - why are they racing for materialistic success? Then they try to come to new innovative thoughts. Rest of us who aren’t dumb enough to declare that non-sense, gets scary as we aren’t collecting anything for that journey and start hopelessly hoping for nothing.

  • Then we start taking drugs to continue living for materials: some of us take alcohol to forget the reality; some of us take psychiatric drugs to keep us out of stress and depression; some take blood pressure or Cholesterol drugs to keep body running for the rat race; some take vacation pills in every season, every month or every weekend to forget the madness of the race; some take “materialistic success” drug to show off to others that they are doing better than all the others around them; everyone of us are on some kind of drugs!

Ask yourself, why were you created? What is the purpose of your life? Find the answer before you are consumed in this temporary life and before it’s too late. It’s just one life and there’s no return to fix it even if you realize the truth after you die! Do it now!

২৬ তলা থেকে লাফ দিতে চেয়েছিলেন তিনি

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