Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Injustice isn’t responded with injustice - that’s not who we are!

And the killer thought he was doing good to Islam? That poor tailor was just a regular guy who even apparently helping the Muslim to make his clothings. 

I, as a Muslim, am ashamed!

He must have not known the persecutions that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) had faced during his 13 years of life in Islam and some insult by a regular Hindu man is nothing compared to when he was called: magician, poet, mentally sick, etc.

“On one occasion, when Muhammad (pbuh) was praying in the courtyard of the Ka'ba, Uqba brought the waste of a slaughtered camel (intestines, blood, dung, etc.) upon the suggestion of other Quraysh leaders who were gathered there, and placed it upon Muhammad's back while he was in prostration.”

What did our prophet (pbuh) replied with?

Allah knows best but this Muslim man doesn’t have any basic wisdom that our prophet (pbuh) had taught us through his own life. The murderer not only had done a great injustice to this poor tailor but he is also putting many Muslims in great hardship in India.

These types of bigots are there in every religion: be it Islam, Christianity or Hindu! Yes, Hindu bigots in India are doing immense injustice and threatening with genocide to Indian Muslim but that doesn’t justify injustice by any Muslims. 

We are Muslim and we ought to carry the legacy of Islam and our Prophet (pbuh) who fought for Justice in His entire life! Then only we will be able to get the promised success in this life and hereafter.

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